Thursday 10 August 2006

That Girl Emily

Emily started her blog very normally at the end of June. She's a media buyer in the States.

By Mid July she had found out her husband was cheating on her.

She then bought several poster sites and attacked her soon to be Ex-husband in public.

From Commerical Archive:

Oh Dear. If you are married to a woman who works in media buying, keep your pants zipped seems to be the moral of this little story where 'spurned wife' buys big billboard "Hi Steven, do I have your attention now?"
The billboard was bought by "That girl Emily" who started a blog...only days before discovering her husband was cheating on her. Hmm. With the best friend who suggested she'd blog. Hmmm!
This smells like viral campaign to me. Maybe its even an Washington Mutual ad for chequing accounts, since the billboard has that p.s. I paid for this billboard using money from OUR joint bank account. Cute. Or its for some movie.

So there's one billboard in New York and one in L.A. on Sunset blvd. Yeah, starting to stink like a viral now?

Even Gawker reckons: Spurned Wife More Likely 26-Year-Old Hipster Ad Twat Who Thinks He's Just So Clever. If we all can be bothered to still be curious who is behind this, it won't have failed as a campaign, someone email us when you figure it out, I'm busy napping. ;)

The jury is out as to whether this is real or a viral stunt.

The best guess so far is that it is a viral for a movie...

Oh, come on. It was TOO obvious. It had every cliche possible. Screwing her best friend? The bored housewife who goes to pilates and drinks too much? The tepid sex life? The husband who buys new underwear on the sly?

The You Tube Video she posted today was the kicker. But I guess we’re talking about it, so…..that’s what they wanted.

Sex & Moxie

Thanks to Clare for this.


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